Mouna M



Mouna M


Corona Diaries 14, Its Teens

Corona Diaries 14, Its Teens

6 mins


Amit was waiting for Anu for more than an hour or so, it was the usual wait for him after college hours. Anu would finish her college hours and visit the library and get her reference books and head towards meeting Amit. This was their usual routine. Today, Anu was a bit late as there was a huge rush owing to the pandemic and lockdown going to be announced in the country. At last, she got her books and walked briskly to where Amit was waiting for her and held her ears in an apologetical manner. Amit just grinned at her and they both rushed to the usual college canteen, which of course was houseful. With no other go, both of them stood in the queue. Amit wanted to share so many things with Anu as he knew that they would not be able to meet again as they used to before because of the lockdown announcement. Anu too was no different, but because of the rush, they were not able to talk, leave aside, look at each other. Finally, they grabbed a cup of tea and a bun and walked towards their favorite table, which was surprisingly free, it looked as though the table was waiting for these lovebirds to occupy their seats. Anu wanted to say something, but Amit's words made her keep quiet. He told her that they could talk for any number of hours over the phone, but cannot see eye to eye. So, they both kept on staring at each other, unaware of the surroundings until Anu's phone started to rrrinnggg!!!! Anu's mother was instructing her to come home as early as possible, to which Anu nodded a yes. Amit requested her to stay for a little more time, to which Anu said, she would have loved to stay, but for the lockdown announcement, she had to leave as early as possible as she was staying far away from college.

Amit dragged her hand and walked towards the bike and told her to sit down telling her that he would drop her to her house. Anu was happy for a while thinking that she would get more time to spend with him, but at the same, was worried as that would cause Amit to reach home late. Though she refused it, in her heart of hearts, she wanted Amit to drop her. Amit also was clever enough to know that and decided to drop her home, safely. Anu put her hands around his waist and sat close to Amit on the bike, Amit leaned his back towards her, and then started their conversation, which started with their innocent talk about their future lives. While Anu's innocence had drawn him towards her, Amit's bold attitude had drawn her towards Amit. They talked and talked nonstop about their marriage plans, their future kids, house, cars, and whatnot. Amit had to stop by at the signal, and he held Anu's hands in his and turned sideways, to his dismay, his dad was in the car. He slowly withdrew his hand from Anu's, which was unusual for Anu. Amit felt as though a bomb had been dropped next to him. Upon asking by Anu, Amit pointed at his father's car, on seeing which her face turned blue too. Not knowing what to do, she just put her hands together into Namaste and tried to bring a smile on her face forcefully, which of course was a disaster.

They could not hear the vehicles honk behind them as they both were in shock. Amit's father signaled him to follow him, without blinking an eye, Amit started following him. Anu was sitting straight on the bike now with her hands folded, in total shock. Amit's father parked his car at a restaurant nearby. Amit parked his bike too and would not move until his father came near him and took him inside the restaurant. He told Anu also to follow who followed them without even asking a question. Amit's father pulled out a chair for Anu and told her to sit down. Amit then sat down next to his father. Amit's father took Anu's hand in his and said "welcome to the family my darling daughter." Anu looked at Amit and his father, she was extremely happy and got up from her chair and bowed down to Amit's father and took his blessings. Amit's father was very happy. He told that since he had a meeting he had to rush now and told them that as he had seen them on the way, he could not resist himself from conveying them that he had seen Anu once or twice at the same signal helping the old man cross the road. Anu was embarrassed about hearing this and told him that it was her duty to do that., to which Amit's father replied that, it was his duty to tell her that she would be the daughter of his family. Amit was astonished because he had thought that it would be difficult to convince his one and only dad on this matter and had never even dreamt that things would go on so smoothly for him. Amit's father also promised Anu that he would be talking to her parents once the situation gets back to normalcy and urged Amit to drop her home soon and as a token of love, he handed over his bracelet to Anu, which she refused instantly, but upon his insistence, she took it.

As soon as Amit's father left, Amit took the bracelet in his hand and held Anu's hand in his and put it around her wrist so lovingly that the bearer had to wait for at least 5 minutes before taking the order, who of course, enjoyed the moment along with them. Anu was the first one to come out of the magical trance and wriggled her hand off his and told the bearer to get 2 cups of hot coffee and samosas, which was their favorite. Amit could not stop admiring Anu, Anu in turn, could not bear the sight and tried to change the topic, to which Amit replied, let us stare at each other for 21 minutes as its a lockdown for 21 days and these 21 minutes were enough to last for 21 days. Anu replied, that she could not even stare at his eyes for even a single minute as his eyes were so captivating. The bearer came with the order and placed it on the table. Anu was surprised to see a variety of sweets on the table and called out for the bearer to tell him that they had not ordered sweets to which the bearer pointed out at Amit and told them that his father had ordered it for them. Anu's eyes got moistened, she was speechless thinking about how she lucky she was to get married to Amit and vice versa. Amit was feeling proud of his father and took a selfie and told her that this moment was enough to last for 21 days for both of them. He took the sweet and fed her lovingly. Anu also fed him and told him to hurry up as it was getting dark. Amit was all okay for that and headed towards Anu's house and dropped her safely. Anu got down from the bike and before she could leave, she pressed her hand into his and whispered the magical words, which was still ringing in Amit's ears until he was awakened by his dad's voice to wake up as it was already noon.

Wishing Amit and Anu a happy married life!!


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