
Public curfew was declared on 22nd March 2020, and further a nationwide 21 days lockdown was announced.
We all were a bit ready to face the adverse atmosphere. Remaining in our homes for those 21 days with proper precautions wasn't a big deal. The atmosphere was lethal. Further, it was a very essential step, which we appreciated and followed.
All the guidelines of the government were being obeyed by us without dismay. I, my parents and my brother; all four of us were locked for 21 days. Only once would a family member go out to buy essentials like dairy products and vegetables. Everything seemed perfect......No one was going out and no one was entering in. We all were contented that we were performing every task required to prevent the fatal malaise virus from creeping into our home.
But, everything doesn't remain as it is for a longer time. The tap of the washbasin began to leak suddenly one morning. We did not want any outsider to enter, and thus the duty of repairing went to my father; who did not know anything about it. Further, in his act of repairing it, he broke the tap. It was a big problem as it was basically used for washroom purposes. Without any delay, we decided to keep a bucket full of water with a mug beside the basin. Whoever went to washroom shall inform another housemate who shall provide water from the bucket for handwash and other such things.
It was
a very hard duty as whenever a person went, one another would leave his or her task at that very moment and go to perform the task. However, we could not break the protocol at any cost. Thus, bearing the rage and frustration, we would perform the duty anytime without a word, for we knew that nothing could be done.
This compromise was getting severe day by day. Our regular day activities began to get affected. It was really becoming like a patience test for us. We had never gone through such a condition before, and we wished to never face it again.
Soon the time passed, and the boundaries of restrictions were curtailed. No sooner did we hear the news than we dialed our local plumber. With proper face cover and hand gloves applied, my father brought him in, took him to the spot alone, and let him do the work. The plumber was also well protected. The social distancing was maintained properly. After the task was done, he was handed over the money with precautions, and he left as soon as possible.
The tap began to work efficiently, and we all were released from the extra burden we all were saddled with. The tap, after complete sanitization, was in use. In that time span, we experienced a very typical yet amusing phase. We learned that compromise is never easy, but its worth undertaking. This was a very small incident, but it had a very big and positive impact on all of us.