
Varsha, a name kept calling. Everybody in the class was staring at her and she was lost. she was once-again in her day-dreams. Varsha what is the matter with you said Miss Anahita. Varsha shockingly looked at her as if she was not even conscious and suddenly regained her consciousness. I have been repeatedly calling your name Varsha, Can you please tell me what are we studying today asked Miss Anahita.
Varsha was sorry and she said the same to her. Miss Anahita asked her to meet after the class in staff-room. Varsha got nervous and repeatedly said ma'am please don't say anything to my parents. I will not repeat it and I will remain attentive in the class. Whilst she was saying all of it, Miss Anahita just moved ahead with the class. The rest of the students were mysteriously looking at Varsha as why she has been called and what is going to happen with her. Varsha, remained sitting their controlling her urge to cry.
Aastha, the closest friend of hers' put her hand on her hands to make her calm. She felt a bit good but she was really nervous to go to meet Miss Anahita. The bell rang, Raghav came to meet her. Raghav had a huge crush on Varsha, but Varsha kept declining his proposal and after a point he lost all his hope. Aastha played a role of mediator as as being a common friend of both of them to bring them together. But, over the period of time Aastha developed feelings for Raghav and she never really kept it hidden with either Varsha or Raghav as she never wanted it to be the reason of misunderstanding and breaking of their bond. Varsha anyway did not have any feelings towards him so she gave her green flag. Raghav however gradually fell for Aastha or maybe he was just not sure of his feelings whether it was just a matter of distraction for him to overcome the repeated rejection or it was his genuine feeling.
Raghav and Aastha sat Varsha down after the class to make her calm and take it easy. Varsha just kept on listening to them without saying anything back. and, suddenly she stood up and moved towards the staff-room. She was feeling embarrassed as this has not been the first instance or with one teacher that this was happening. Every now and then she was being called out in the class for being inattentive. She reached the staff-room and was constantly looking down and did not make any eye-contact with anyone. Miss Anahita asked her to sit down and asked if she needs any water or something. She nodded her head in response.
Miss Anahita asked- Varsha, how have been feeling these days? The question came as a surprise to Varsha. but, anyway hesitantly she said- all good Ma'am. Miss reemphasized on her question and asked- Are you Sure, because you do not seem so. I Have been hearing a lot about you from other staff as well and let me tell you it's not a positive remark. While Miss Anahita was saying all of it, Varsha all of a sudden started crying, she couldn't get hold of her tears which she has been controlling for long. Miss Anahita in that moment just hugged her and said don't worry, everything will get better. You will get better. Stop crying and whenever you feel okay or you are in the right state of mind come and meet me. But, please don't get disheartened. Now, go and attend your next class. She patted on her shoulder and looked at her and smiled before leaving.
Varsha felt so light in the moment as if a huge burden has been removed from her shoulder. She attended rest of her classes and everyone kept asking about what happened in the staff room but she just remained silent that day and after her classes she straight away moved towards her school bus to go back to her home. Raghav and Aastha were calling out her name but she did not respond them and kept moving forward.
Varsha reached home, her mother could identify that something has been wrong with her but she felt it is better at that time to give her the space. Varsha ate and went into her room and locked herself down. It was not however unusual of her to do the same. So, her mother was not really bothered with her this act. She checked her phone which her aunt gave it to her after it was no more a use to her. She kept on receiving calls from both her friends. But, she declined and took out her personal Diary which she was in habit of writing and took out her pen to pen-down her emotions.
Before even she could start to write a tear dropped on her diary and then the second and gradually her entire page of the diary was almost wet with her tears. She kept the diary aside and just lied down on her bed. After a While she woke up and grabbed her diary again to write. This time she felt a bit relaxed. And she starts to write...
Today was a heavy day for me in fact last few days or may be months have be
en tough. I don't know how to really understand what is going within me, all I know is I am not okay. I AM not the one who I used to be. There's something that's lacking in me. Amma says that doing pooja everyday will reinstate my faith and that would lead to a generation of hope and a happy life. I tried even that, Instead I increased my prayers talking to God but nothing really seems to be changing. Aastha has changed her behavior towards me, she talks more about her, I feel unheard being with her. Now, my relation is not same anymore with her. Therefore, I rather choose to be silent around her than expressing what I feel on a day to day basis. I think I did not just gave up on my relationship with her. I tried often, I even conveyed that I don't feel anymore the same around you. may be I am wrong. May be I am thinking a lot. But, how can I forget and get it out of my head what I heard Aastha and Raghav talking . They were in the corridor of school and while I made a turn and I heard my name, I stopped there and tried to listen. I think I shouldn't have listened to their talk. At least I would not be in the state that I am in. But, the fact remains the same that even I would have heard or not my friends talked such things about me still baffles me.
.....but I still think I love her Aastha- Said Raghav.
Aastha- but, you ultimately confessed your love to me Raghav. Even Varsha knows about it and you yourself very well know that how much I tried to make things right between you two Raghav.
Raghav- I know that, but why did you tell Vijay( classmate) that Varsha is after him and not me. You know very well what kind of a person Vijay is? Don't you?
Aastha- Yeah, but I said so that you feel less guilty about being with me. I knew that you had a strong feelings for Varsha and that you cannot really move forward with me.
Raghav- Aastha do you even realize what you are saying. I can't believe this is so easy for you to say even when you consider Varsha to be your closest friend.
Aastha- what do you mean Raghav, what should I realize? and let me tell you very clearly Varsha is not closest to me. She is just an over-friendly and needy girl. So, I just Sympathized with her and helped her a little ,that's it!
Raghav- Whattt??? Aastha are you even listening to yourself what you are saying. Okay! fine even if you are not friend of hers', are you even a Human or not?! Maybe you or for sure you are not realizing what have you done to her. let me tell you, after knowing this crisp gossip that you spread about Varsha being after Vijay. Vijay, tried to molest her and for him this was okay because your steamy gossip gave him the Indirect Right to just do anything with a girl because he knows which obviously is false that if a girl likes her he can do anything with her.
Aastha- but...I never Intended to do or even wish any such thing to happen with her. I just thought about US. don't you realize that?
Raghav- Oh! common Aastha, did you even let Varsha know about this that you are gonna say something like that, so at least she must have been prepared. and forget even about preparing herself, you out rightly assassinated her character and she faced the consequences which she should have not!
Aastha- but....but..Rag..hav..
After listening to all of these, I just went out there making it seem natural, but nothing was natural ever again. My so-called friend betrayed me. Oh! it wasn't even a betrayal from her end because I was not even her friend on the very first place.! When I somehow gathered my courage to confront her, she said and I clearly remember that- Raghav told her to create such scenario so that he can take revenge from me of being rejected.! Raghav knew about Vijay really well and he must have planned all of this. I am clean said Aastha.
I don't know what is truth or a Lie. All I know is that I have been betrayed, Back-stabbed, and my spirit is molested. And nobody cares about how I feel and how I cannot come out of an Amplified Guilt. My mornings and nights are not the same. I AM NOT THE SAME!
Varsha, then closed her diary and after a while she just tore down the pages, burnt it, wiped her tears and heard that her mother was calling her out. She put a smile on her face and engaged herself with her Amma!