R.A.Raajesh R.A.Raajesh

Fantasy Children


R.A.Raajesh R.A.Raajesh

Fantasy Children

A Village Boy

A Village Boy

2 mins

Once there lived a couple named Arjun and Devika in a village called "Devagere" near Banglore district. Arjun was working as a police officer in the village. After few days Devika gave birth to a boy child and they kept the name as 'Ram'. He was so mischievous that during the naming ceremony he bet girls, poured water on his aunt and started to eat his mom's head and he used to cry at nights without sleeping all night, after his mom joined him to near by school there also, he didn't stopp his mischief.

After coming from school he was going out to play with his friends, their he was playing Cricket it was his favorite game later at 7:00 Clock he was returning to home, after coming to home he was writing his home work and after having dinner, he was sleeping at 9:00Clock with his parents in a room. He used to wake up at 6:30 and he was taking bath in a river which was next to his home.After he was eating breakfast and was going to school.

He was good in studies, at lunch time his mom was bringing food thereafter finishing food he used to buy a ice cream and was playing in the ground. On Sunday's he was going with his friends to near by forest there he played very well and they caught some fish from near by river there he was feeding food to rabbit, monkey, deer. And was returning to home before sunset and was giving fish to his mom to cook.

He was very happy in his life as he was enjoying with his friends, going out every Sunday with his friends. Ram was loved by all village people because, he was kind hearted, he was respecting elders, he used help others. And of a sudden, he got the news that his father got transformed to city and he should also go with his father leaving the village but he was not happy.

After coming to the city he was sad, not eating food properly, then his father noticed him and one night his father went to his room and asked what was the reason for his sad, so Ram said that he like to stay in village not in city after hearing this his father decided to send him back to village and next day he took him and dropped in the village with his grandparents and went back to the city

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