A puppy 's life (Part 1)
A puppy 's life (Part 1)

Hi humans, you might be wondering here what special life can a puppy have well, don't underestimate the power of a puppy (because I am a really special one). My name is Rocky I am world wide cute you know!
So, let me start from the beginning. When I was born, I don't really remember how my parents were as I first got my senses in a dirty, muddy puddle in the garage of someone's house. The owners of the house were really kind and gave me a place to stay! I will be forever grateful to them for this small act of kindness towards me. I stayed in their garage at night and roam around the whole neighborhood in the day.
One day amidst my "busy" schedule in the morning, I met some children. I have heard from the older dogs in the neighborhood that children are very sweet, kind, gentle and playful. Well, in my case I really want to sign a document approving my strong disagreement regarding this statement. The children are so naughty that sometimes I think I am working in a circus! They drag me from my kennel by pulling my tail, they make me walk on two feet and they don't even let me tease the kittens of Mrs Rodriguez! They had really made my life hell for a few days ! After a few days, I don't know why I started liking them and would really be worried during their absence. Well, even if I didn't have a mother Mrs Meow took really good care of me. In the opposite of
my house their was an apartment in which a girl stayed with her mom.
When I was born they were my first visitors. One day I was following her to see where the girl was going with a huge bag and suddenly she cuddled me a lot and gave me some biscuits to eat. Well I did it for 2more days and got a lot of biscuits in return. So, now you can tell that following her is now my part time job with a good salary. One day I was chilling in my kennel and waiting for the kids to come, I heard some barkings from the front lane. I went there by pushing my way out of the crowd of dogs and saw a a female puppy being barked at. While seeing her, my heart started beating faster. I don't know if this was called "love" but that feeling was nice. While going back home she herself followed me! I was very happy but after a few hours she started barking and ordering me instead! When I would ignore her she would start crying and screaming like anything! I was really glad she went away the next day on her own. I guess it was fake love. After all this big drama, I started ignoring all the female dogs in my area and was happy with that decision.
Well I think I told you some of my most memorable moments of life yet .I have a long life left yet and I think you got an idea on how hard a puppy's life can be. I am sure I will have a lot more interesting incidents to share until then bye.