Youthful Love
Youthful Love

A smidgen of love
But, how true it felt
Conditions applied not
Dainty lips
Embraces, warm
Fearful eyes
Going through every storm
Hysteric and perplexed
Insecurities galore
Jealousy burning down every door
Kindling emotions
Lies untold
Mirthful faces, dejected
Nerving to build a heart, bold
Outcome, broken pieces everywhere
Projecting what none would dare
Questioning atrocities
Regret unfolds
Skeptical but gullible
True love exists, or not
Unanswered, remains stuck in every thought
Vulnerable enough to fall again
Wondering what could go wrong
Xeric like a withering rose
Youthful love crumbles, unopposed
Zealous to bring back to life