To Be A Hero

To Be A Hero

2 mins

All I want is to be a Hero now,

A saviour for my country,

Nothing much, just a silent vow,

If I die serving my country.

I never thought about the harm,

When I was sent here to fight,

So today when I lost an arm,

I didn’t even realize.

I've been living in places,

Where religion never matters,

I won't care about my emotions,

With every order my fear scatters.

In the field when you reach,

You realize when you go far,

That here the outside war is smaller,

The inside war is what causes The Scar.

I'll kill you if you harm me,

I'll save if you help me,

That's what I'm taught to do,

That's what I'm meant to do.

I see my brothers reaching for the sk

y around me,

Someone died; one who gave me faith in our destiny,

I'm not made up of stones after all,

I cried and prayed for my brothers, my sisters,

Someone's mother and father,

For they will never see their sons again,

But they are braver than us,

For they were the ones who sacrificed their blood before we did.

I'm wounded enough, if I go ahead I'll die,

I got an option to turn around and hide,

But all I want is to be a Hero now,

And a hero always sacrifices.

I look towards the stars,

Knowing that I'll be there,

With all my strength left,

I screamed the name of my country,

And with love for everyone who came in my life,

I took the last step for my country.

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