The Moon to my Darkest Skies
The Moon to my Darkest Skies
In this chaos of Life,
Every day I end up losing hope,
But I still look up to you,
Your peace and calmness,
Your ever presence on the surface of vastness,
Your beauty, your silence,
A guiding light, you are always there,
Showering blessings over my head,
Like the light of the moon,
Seeping through a thousand years of troubles to kiss my head.
In this chaos of Life,
Wearing the struggles that choke my throat,
I look up to you,
Hoping, dreaming and believing,
That you will hold my hand when I lose it all,
Again and again.
You overlook what I've become,
The death th
at sleeps in my heart,
The demon that I carry within,
Agony, grief and pain stuck to my skin,
Yet you open your arms towards me,
And accept me with a smile.
Where else will I find such selfless love of your kind?
Where else will I find a purer place than your light?
You, my guru, colour my entire life with your golden rays,
While I have done nothing to deserve this,
And on nights like this one,
When there is no escape from the darkness,
I raise my eyes and remember you,
For I know I will never be left behind,
You're the moon to my Darkest skies,
You always were, are and will be by my side...