For what it's worth, I find words again,
There's no story to tell, no lines to rhyme,
No emotion in my heart that I wish to find,
Not lost, neither happy, nor do I feel any pain,
Then why am I here, writing words in vain?
It's dead of the night, I should close my eyes,
Fall asleep to wake up and run again,
-endlessly through this maze called life,
I have no poetry, no thought to explain,
Then why am I here, writing words in vain?
No inspiration to guide these lines that I write,
No reason, no thought, no idea behind,
Yet I am here, writing again tonight,
These words keep flowing, running through my mind,
No sense, no reason, no logic to find,
No structure, no purpose or theme defined,
Not lost, neither happy, nor do I feel any pain,
Then why am I here, writing words in vain?
I do not understand, I keep going and going,
This senseless tale keeps flowing and growing,
One word came first, one line, one rhyme,
One moment, one day, one year at a time,
I wrote, I stopped and started writing again,
These lives, these lines, were they ever in vain?
The empty words, echoed their song,
Through meaninglessness, a reason was born,
And when the words stopped, a poem took form.
To just be, and be, and be where you are,
The meaning will itself fall and define your path,
Perhaps destiny is believing in the lines that we rhyme,
One word, one day, one life at a time.