Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Inspirational Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Inspirational Others



4 mins

There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them,

Dancing is like dreaming with your feet,

The body says what words cannot,

Dancing is the poetry of the foot,

The job of feet is walking, but their hobby is dancing.

The most essential thing in dance discipline is devotion,

To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak,

To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love,

Do it big, do it right, and do it with style,

He who cannot dance puts the blame on the floor.

Dancing is silent poetry,

Dance first,

Think later,

It’s the natural order,

When you dance you can enjoy the luxury of being you,

Dance every performance as if it were your last,

Dance for yourself,

If someone understands, good,

If not, no matter.

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing,

It’s the rhythm of your life,

It’s the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

You have to love dancing to stick to it,

It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away,

No paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums,

No poems to be printed and sold,

Nothing but that fleeting moment when you feel alive,

It is not for unsteady souls.

The truest expression of a people is in its dance and its music,

Bodies never lie,

Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye,

But the dance lives on,

I do not try to dance better than anyone else,

I only try to dance better than myself,

I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.

Learn the craft of knowing how to open your heart and turn on your creativity,

There’s a light inside of you,

Great artists are people who find a way to be themselves in their art,

The moment is everything,

Don’t think about tomorrow,

Don’t think about yesterday: think about exactly what you’re doing right now and live it and dance it and breathe it and be it.

You were once wild here,

Don’t let them tame you,

There’s nothing wrong with fear,

The only mistake is to let it stop you in your tracks,

To follow, without halt, one aim: There’s the secret of success.

Great dancers are not great because of their technique,

They are great because of their passion,

I have no desire to prove anything by dancing…I just


Dance is art,

Paint your dream and follow it,

Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time,

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream,

We can’t choose the music that life gives us,

But we can choose how to dance to it.

To dance is to be out of yourself,

Larger, more beautiful, more powerful,

This is power,

It is glory on earth,

It is yours for the taking.

The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music,

It has the additional merit of being human and palpable,

Dancing is poetry with arms and legs,

Dancers are the athletes of God.

Hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,

They danced by the light of the moon,

Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music,

In a society that worships love, freedom and beauty, dance is sacred,

It is a prayer for the future,

A remembrance of the past,

A joyful exclamation of thanks for the present.

Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression,

Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience,

All I ever needed was the music and the mirror,

Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.

Even today when I rehearse, I give it everything that I’ve got,

If I’m in performance and the lights go out,

I glow in the dark,

When you’re working before an audience,

You have to make them feel like they can touch you,

That’s the dancer within, reaching out.

I don’t want people who want to dance,

I want people who have to dance,

After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did,

She just did it backwards and in high heels,

Those who can’t dance say the music is no good,

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but the living room,

Dancing is like a shower: one wrong turn and you’re in hot water!

Dancing is like bank robbery,

Dance is a little insanity that does us all good,

Dancing is like breathing — missing a day doing either is very bad,

Dancing is the art of getting your feet out of the way faster than your partner can step on them,

It takes split-second timing,

We’re fools whether we dance or not,

So we might as well dance,

Bleeding feet will bond us.

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