Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Action Inspirational


Adhithya Sakthivel

Drama Action Inspirational



2 mins

Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh, or a Jat,

He must remember that he is an Indian,

He has every right in his country but with certain duties,

Take to the path of dharma – the path of truth and justice,

Don’t misuse your valour,

Remain united,

March forward in all humility,

Be awake to the situation you face,

Demand your rights and firmness.

A war based on Satyagraha is always of two kinds,

One is the war we wage against injustice,

The other we fight against our own weaknesses.

No distinctions of caste and creed should hamper us,

All are the sons and daughters of India,

We should all love our country,

Build our destiny on mutual love and help,

The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the bottom,

If it has the wholehearted cooperation of all on board,

She could be safely brought to port.

Manpower without unity is not a strength,

It should be harmonized and united properly,

Then it becomes a spiritual power,

The war started by Mahatmaji is against two things – the Government and secondly against oneself,

The former kind of war is closed,

The latter shall never cease,

It is meant for self-purifi


Faith is of no evil in the absence of strength,

Both are essential to accomplish any great work,

We have tried to overcome our weaknesses honestly and in a definite manner,

The proof, if any proof is needed, is Hindu-Muslim unity,

Little pools of water tend to become stagnant and useless,

But if they are joined together to form a big lake the atmosphere is cooled,

There is universal benefit.

The negligence of a few could easily send a ship to the bottom,

If it has the wholehearted cooperation of all on board it can be safely brought to part,

Every Indian should now forget that he is a Rajput, a Sikh or a Jat,

He must remember that he is an Indian,

He has every right in his country but with certain duties.

Non-violence has to be observed in thought, word and deed,

The measure of our non-violence will be a measure of our success,

My only desire is that India should be a good producer,

No one should be hungry shedding tears for food in the country.

There is something unique in this soil,

Despite many obstacles we always remained the abode of great souls,

The stiffer the opponent, the more our affection goes out to him,

That is the significance of Satyagraha.

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