Paromita Chattopadhyay

Drama Inspirational


Paromita Chattopadhyay

Drama Inspirational

Traffic of Life

Traffic of Life

1 min

Life is a journey, on a long meandering road

To navigate through, switching on our unique mode

It ebbs and flows, up and down

With many twists and turns abound

For the journey of life has it’s lifts and drop

We may face challenges, but we must not stop

Life is a bustling long street

Keep on the hustle, with no retreat

People rushing to reach their destination

Some in a hurry, some with no determination

Life like traffic, has its unique flow

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow

Moving with the green l

ights, stopping at the red

Slow or fast, but always moving ahead

Sometimes taking the wrong turn

Feeling the heat and the heart burn

With focus we can correct our ways

Surging ahead to achieve our goals with better days

Playing by the rules to stay on track

Letting go of the things that hold us back

So let's drive through the Traffic of Life

Playing the fife through all the strife

For in the end, it's not about the race

But about the inspiring journey and the smile on our face.

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