Mikey Singh

Horror Tragedy Action


Mikey Singh

Horror Tragedy Action

The Spectres Are Born

The Spectres Are Born

1 min

The Spectres haunt the battlefield...

Their eyes are red with the blood they've shed...

A psychopathic group of mercenaries...

Hired when brutality is the only solution...

Their guns are deadlier than the regular force

Their knives cut without remorse...

Yet who are these deadly warriors?

Whose stories remain untold...

Why have they become so brutal, so calculated, and cold?

Tanya and Mike are genetic psychopaths

Their genes carry their inherited wrath...

These siblings know no mercy or regret


it comes to killing, they do not fret...

Others have seen trauma and pain...

Lives filled with hatred and disdain...

Still others were born out of suffering so great...

The only emotion left was hate...

United they fight the battles of others

Not for money or glory...

They seek only to unleash their rage...

In battles brutal and gory...

To some a scourge and to others, heroes

The Spectres walk the battlefields...

Their prize is domination and control over their personal stories... 

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