The Common Habit!
The Common Habit!

The cast off’s of a forgotten existence
Say it’s time to make a stand.
Putting words into action,
They search for the truth
Within the confines of our clerical clan,
Asking questions of torment and interference,
During turbulent years of sinister sweet wrapped lies.
This order of shame and sinful deception,
Has been kept a secret for far too long.
The time has come to make them pay
For all the nightmares and suffering,
That still plays to this day, in the minds
Of countless childhoods they robbed.
No one slept as they mauled with their despising eyes.
No one heard the children cry on the dorm patrol,
At the dread of the night back in this darkest of times,
Memories etched, indelibly painful.
The reformatory crimes of these religious sinners!
Are secrets brainwashed into so many minds,
But now it’s time for changes to be made,
Say the people of t
hose forgotten childhood faces.
These wrinkled and withered oppressors
Of a torn apart faith must be brought to their knees,
To state their case and once more face
The molested and beaten people,
They once stripped and whipped,
Then caned and shamed in the vestry;
Will hell be their destiny?
For these brothers of lust,
Or the priests who were once the most trusted
People in the world, but not anymore!
The nuns were just as bad, that’s certain for sure.
These Magdalene sisters of love and mercy,
When they were in charge they didn't show any.
The past is now their hapless fear,
Now is the time, to repent.
The law of the land is residing.
God sits on the bench patiently waiting,
Decision-making, for the end, is insight.
Will he catch their last breath
With a silenced proclamation?
No more habitual advances,
Simply said; No More Chances.