A mother she was! A unite with God. A prayer. Where she put into her soul Today she prayed a ... A mother she was! A unite with God. A prayer. Where she put into her soul ...
An inspiring piece that briefly showcasing the passionate desire of a lover An inspiring piece that briefly showcasing the passionate desire of a lover
Isn't my child's hunger comparable to yours? Isn't my child's hunger comparable to yours?
The time has come to make them pay for all the nightmares and suffering, The time has come to make them pay for all the nightmares and suffering,
The tricolor unfurls in all its glory, Dancing on the free winds, Of a blue sky. The tricolor unfurls in all its glory, Dancing on the free winds, Of a blue sk...
Can the human race put their ego, pride, and selfishness aside to survive Can the human race put their ego, pride, and selfishness aside to survive