Mikey Singh

Abstract Drama Action


Mikey Singh

Abstract Drama Action

When We Were Born...

When We Were Born...

1 min

My older sister and I were never normal...

We scavenged food from trash or scraps...

The busy streets were our open-air home...

Where we scraped a living, all alone...

Nothing could break us or shake us...

We had seen the worst of days...

We survived the hell that we lived in...

Ruling our realm in our own special ways...

Then the flood washed away the ground beneath...

Cries of terror in our humble streets...

We knew we had to s

ave those who fed us...

The morning walkers who unknowingly bred us...

We ran to save little Lilly and her mother...

To save Mrs. Jacobs and her dog...

We laid them upon floating doors...

On tree branches and floating logs...

This was when my sister and I were born...

Despite our meagre living; despite being torn...

We pulled them out of flooded homes...

My sister, my guide, she led me on...

During the flood, a new us was born...

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