Manpreet Kaur

Drama Tragedy


Manpreet Kaur

Drama Tragedy

The Sea Of Lights

The Sea Of Lights

2 mins

The amazing sea of lights 

And the busy breeze

My hairs were worth their tease

The closed shells protected the pearls of sea storm

My hopes were collecting broken pieces of bones 

My sunshine is now dull and unworthy 

I sinned and sinned so that there are oh thorns left and no rose 

The blood that was circulating became so gross 

I cannot die I cannot live I cannot betray I cannot forgive

I cannot perceive , I cannot receive I cannot connect I cannot achieve 

O so perfectly aligned broken happinesses around me


ackground-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">At least you’re somewhat there up to some degree

Mines are too egoistic to come out 

No one was there to shout

O the amazing sea of lights 

It’s too luminous but I cannot see bright

And the busy breeze 

I lost my gratitude’s keys

There’s a cage, echoes and lots of screams 

There’s anxiety, contrition and lots of dreams

I want my sanity back so that I can be insane again

I want my sugar back so that it can be sweet again 

I want myself back so that I can be myself again..

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