The Luck

The Luck

1 min

It starts with the birth,

When a man comes on earth,

Luck is the jerk,

Coming to the man,

He can’t understand.

Sometimes luck comes with the blessing,

With luxurious feedings.

Things go fine,

Living like a king

Drinking precious wine.

Fun all around with the luck at its peak,

Luxury goes to the top,

Like a smoke of the weed.

But when luck comes with a curse,

Things get worse.

Some cry for food and shelter,

When the luck gets alter.

Unable to earn,

His heart gets burn.

With the stress on his mind,

He’s trying to survive,

But with severe frustration,

He commits suicide.

This is how the things get worse,

The luck is like a curse.

Thus like a coin with two face,

The luck has this case,

It makes one happy,

While the other is getting sad.

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