The Great Secretary
The Great Secretary

As a child
When she had fallen prey to animals
Like her uncle, her father, and her teacher
She had been asked to keep it a secret..
As a young girl
When she had fallen in love with boys
From a different class, from a different caste, from a different religion
She had been asked to keep it a secret..
As a bride
When she had been asked about her history
Of romantic relationships
She had been asked to keep them a secret..
As a wife
When she had not wanted to have sex
When she had not been fully satisfied
She had been asked to keep it a secret..
As a mothe
When her contributions had not gotten recognised
When her prayers had been filled with pain
She had been asked to keep them a secret..
As a grandmother
When her grandchildren had made fun of her forgetfulness
When her only memories had been regrets of no respect
She had been asked to keep them a secret..
No wonder then
That the headstone of her grave read
"Here lies a great secretary"
Honouring the word 'secretary' with its ancient meaning..
Her children did not understand why
Her grandchildren did not understand why
But her husband and her society and her past did.