Tale Of A Misogynist!
Tale Of A Misogynist!

Listen dear; you are behaving rudely in bed
You are hurting me, can’t you get?
‘Shut up you bitch
You are my better half; you have no right to make any hitch
You are being crafted by nature to satiate my desire
I am adorning you out of my wealth which I only aspire
My wealth I offer
To make a grand coffer
This suits you as per my desire
I am contented to display you as an object for other do admire.
You are merely an object of lust
You exist only out of my imagination which only I trust
Out of my obsession I dare to construct an expensive edifice
Where my endeavor will only endorse my sincere emphasis for mundane synopsis
People only admire my love for you
Hardly they will care you are beautiful, only they will focus that I adore you
You exist out of my caprice
My presence will dominate your existence and price
You have no choice apart from bowing to me
Dear, I live only for thee.
I wonder why female
Making so noise with acrimonious gale
Who they are without us
We male
only make prolific tribute to their fetus
We alone determine their existence
Without ‘Y’ chromosome do they have any presence?
Still I am amazed by their brazen clamor
Claiming their rights and entity with huge blabber!
I am happy to declare with flair
It is man who determine the history of all human affair
Please don’t hate but bear
Am I not depicting all men’s heart’s symphony?
Females are claiming they are subjected to male’s atrocity
I cannot realize why they uproar with such mendacity?
Do they have any distinct entity?
For which we revere and salute them hastily?
I truly despise them
They are the reason of all mayhem
Human history reveals
For them only all ruckus unveils and reels
I truly don’t care about their fetus
They only can bear Judas and Jesus
Who cares how human history rolls?
Sexual equilibrium is a myth, having no reasonable role
Who truly cares about amniotic fluid?
Only caring of Oxygen and gamut of external gases for their existence and relief!