The Demon's Offer
The Demon's Offer

One night, in my dream,
A mysterious man came up to me,
Draped in black robes, from head to toe,
His face, however, I could not see.
He took out and opened a wooden box,
And inside it, there were two pills,
But what he said next, even today,
Gives me the most frightful chills.
"If you decide to take the blue pill,
You'll get the gift of immortality,
But on the condition that the life you're living,
You'll have to live till eternity.
But if you take the red pill, then
Your life will end the moment you die,
All your memories, hopes, and aspirations,
Beneath the sands of time, buried will lie."
Overjoyed, I lunged to take the blue pill,
But then hesitated for a minute,
Wondering whether the drudgery of,
A wasted life was worth it.
A meaningles
s existence that was spent,
In struggling to eke out a pathetic living,
Now perforce, I would repeatedly relive,
A prospect that seemed not too exciting.
But then speckled on a dreary canvas, held close to my heart,
Were a few treasured memories, I would cherish forever,
Happy times, though they were,
As rare as ice in June and roses in December.
Was then our existence a mistake?
Inclined to think I am not,
For the scales of life tilted in favour,
Of those joyful memories and the smiles they brought.
Alas, I woke up before I could choose,
A dream that will never be forgotten,
But just pause for a while and ruminate,
If you were in my place, what would you have done?
"God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December." - J. M. Barrie