Reva Saraf

Romance Others


Reva Saraf

Romance Others



1 min

Siblings and friends are such beautiful flowers in the garden of your life;

Sometimes siblings behave like 

Tom and Jerry;

Sometimes siblings can even love 

You to the moon and back;

Siblings are always fun to play with;

They are like your best friends;

You can surely, 

Trust them blindly and share your

Deepest secrets;

They will always love you, and care for you;

Even if they fight more with you;


ttle or Big, 

Siblings will ask you to share your problems;

They will try to give you the best advice; 

You can always plan a prank together;

You can always play together;

You can always make a nuisance together;

You can always trouble the world together;

They support you;

They care for you;

Even if you spend more time fighting with them;

Admit it, 

That you spend the most time loving them and pranking them.

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