San July 17th
San July 17th

There in the shadows all alone,
A young girl sank quietly down,
On the breeze, a song had grown,
Carrying such a lonely sound
"Oh, little birdie flies away,
Bad birdie, bad birdie, should learn to stay,
Turn back and fly home to me,
You belong here, it's where you should be".
"Why did you try to leave me alone?
And if you don't do as I say,
I'll take the wings that you own,
So in the end you'll be here to stay,"
Humming this tune the child must bare
All those rumors that came to be,
"They say she's cursed, or "stay away" they'd declare,
All the while that young girl sat in her misery
Years later a young boy did reside,
Answering her every whim,
Those who took notice couldn't decide,
On whether or not this was being forced on him.
When it seemed as if his energy she spent,
This girl asked the boy for 1 last thing,
While his annoyance he had sent,
It was his cookies she had insisted he bring.
As his treats, he had brought out,
He was greeted by an empty room,
"Where'd she go?' he did pout,
But glancing at the date realization did bloom.
For he thought, "it's been 7 years since that day,"
Thoughts of his past surfaced through,
While much praise to him many did convey,
Terror of a girl from the others grew
It was advised that from her he remained clear,
As nasty speculation began to rise,
The boy was shocked by all he did hear,
As he couldn't understand why she was despised
For all, he remembered was her sad expression,
Thinking of the solitude she bore,
He wondered how she'd not given into de
Then he decided that he couldn't sit still anymore.
Running into the forest the girl he'd greeted,
Insisting that he wanted to be a friend,
The girl asked why he hadn't retreated,
exchanging names his hand he'd extend.
One day a young woman this boy had met,
Soon his new friend ran to this woman's side,
She had not been introduced and yet,
the relationship of those two he had spied.
The boy realized he'd not seen such a smile before,
As her joy none could doubt,
As a man came angrily through the door,
"Stay away from your mother," he said kicking her out.
The boy angry began to defend,
Despite the little, he could change,
The young girl brought the argument to an end,
Confiding with the boy now filled with rage.
"My mother is ill and I'm to blame,
They say it's because a cursed child I must be,
But a cure, she said she could obtain,
As my smiles are what she needs from me.
I don't enjoy it very much, unfortunately,
For despite this her condition will not fade,
As she said this she forced the shame internally,
And then questioned what mistake it was that she made.
The boy heartbroken began internally to refute,
The young girl of any fault,
Wishing that he had not remained mute,
For to her wound he had felt as salt.
Unable to do anything to ease the pain,
He silently took her hand,
deciding that he must always remain,
That is how their story began.
In front of a grave, the girl did stay,
As the boy laid flowers down,
I brought these, the boy did say,
And together tis home they were bound