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Writer Schoolboy

Horror Tragedy Crime


Writer Schoolboy

Horror Tragedy Crime

Rattling In The Dark

Rattling In The Dark

1 min

Choo....! Jhik..jhik..jhik..jhik

I'll heard while standing on the peak

Of a railstation, in a surrounding of darkness

I feeling like just a man without soul or soulless.


Then I guess that I'm thinking so much

So then I opened a packet of chips and give my first crunch.

It tastes so nice

But, suddenly a foul smells like a dead mice.


Now my heart thumps

My chest just like It will getting out of my chest crumps.

Then I feels like my mussels were jammed 

As the darkness slimed 

Them to be a statue so that 

It comes to me more

And more....


Then I felt like someone kept me in a sack

And through me into the rail track.

I felt the wheels of the train cut my all organs like streams

And the train's rattling sounds suppressed my screams.



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