Peaceful Soul
Peaceful Soul

Take my worries and give me peace,
my broken heart needs few words to sing.
I have never expected more,
because I know this world does not care.
I suffer from dreams filled with unsaid truths
let my soul speak out the forgotten tales.
Artistically this planet is created,
I want to fill my colors in its glory.
The past cannot be changed
and I know future will never be what I have planned.
Each moment the changes are inevitable,
Whenever He wishes the earth will tremble.
We have the misconception,
we are the greatest and mightiest of all the creation.
I don't want to keep suffering each day,
In a hope to be the richest someday.
What miracle have they seen,
who are now remembered as greedy kings.
Let me live my life not at the cost of my peace,
which for me is the greatest necessity.