On Sensuality
On Sensuality

The grape is sugar calling out:
“Press me in your mouth or keep me in jars!”
The apricot is the return
of longing to its pale origin.
The fig is the parting of the lips by two fingers
to receive the erotic sense all at once.
The prickly pear is the virgin’s defense
of her treasure.
The cherry trims the distance between
the desire of eyes and the passion of lips.
The mango is saliva flowing for palpable ecstasy.
The quince is a woman teasing man, leaving a
bitter aftertaste in the mouth of the disappointed!
The strawberry is a small kernel of a color
neither red; nor not - red,
bespeaking the scandal of similitude.
The mulberry, black or the color of sweetness;
is the euphoria of a passionate kiss.
Pomegranates are just rubies hiding in allusion.