Dheebika Ganesan

Action Classics Inspirational


Dheebika Ganesan

Action Classics Inspirational

Move On

Move On

2 mins

People keep winning mouth with you by saying move on

A two word which is not easy as they sound to be

If you fail the exams, move on

If friendships shatter, move on

If you fail relationships, move on

If being betrayed, move on

If marriage crumbles, move on

If family crashes down, move on

If you suffer a life loss, move on

Be it the smallest to the worst life scenes, the two famous words unlikely famous for its active implementation will be 'Move On'

Sometimes, I wonder, can all the worst issues be handled by the two words 'Move On', why moving on in actuality suffers the most than the actual suffering itself

I try to get a knack of the real meaning when people utter "Move On"

I got carried away with the possible synonyms of 'Move On'

Move On !!! Does it mean forgetting?

Move On!!! Does it signify deleting the past?

Move On !!! Does it mean forgiving the odds?

Move On !!! Does it indicate to just fast forward your life?

Move On !!! Does it say to just fast forward your life?

Move On !!! Does it say to pre

ss the pause button?

Nevertheless, when someone tells you to move on,

I later understood that it does not mean anything because people do not mean it when they say it

It's because people just want to say it as their social duty and hardly anything means there

So, when I realised the meaning of moving on,

Moving does not mean hurrying yourself to skip things and proceed with the next phase of life

Moving on does not mean leaving things aside and jumping to conclusions

Moving on does not mean beginning new things suddenly

Moving on does not necessarily mean keeping moving

Maybe, moving on means staying still, keeping it alive

Maybe, moving on means taking better care of ourselves

Maybe, moving on signifies developing a deeper connection inside you

Maybe, moving on affirms acceptance of the stillness and stagnancy 

Maybe, moving on expresses being yourself

Maybe, moving on means not stepping back or quitting

Maybe, moving on symbolises an infinite, endless journey of learning and adapting and it never stops

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