Ajaya Kumar Mohanty

Tragedy Action Others


Ajaya Kumar Mohanty

Tragedy Action Others



1 min

The wind blowing from the east

The pressure was low in the sea

Forecast is for super cyclone

With heavy rain and thunderstorm.

Hope never dies till we live

Desperately prayed for the reprieve

The cyclone might weaken in its path

Bringing relief to dear earth.

Earth is always anxious to know

How strong would be its blow.

Would it ruin its makeup

Shatter its shapely crust.


iting is never easy task

Visible from cloud and clam

Breathings were heavy and fast

The waves wildly roses to crest.

Minutes counted like an age

The demon was closing on the shore 

Horror spreading over the crust

Waiting became much dreaded curse. 

The wings of demon crushed the earth

Spasm and pain as the body scratched

Tremor and cry reached the sky

Thus the deadly landfall happened.

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