War and Peace
War and Peace
Lockdown/ shutdown
The virus is not down
Red, orange and green
Are the colour of the new division.
Containment under the red circle
The spectre does loom over.
Life far from normal
Empathy is the lost word
We forget to help other
Neighbour dies in hunger.
Worried are the warriors
Leaving the ground in fear.
Long walks of suffering
Over Roads, rails and water
One never knows
Which is deadlier
Living with fear or hunger.
The makers of lifeline
Loses life so invaluable.
Roti's red soaked in blood
ing at the slained body
Is shame to our power and glory.
Invisible is the enemy
The battle is getting fiercely
The victims are hounded to quarantine
Hospitals are awfully falling short
The death toll is on mounting.
The challenge is insurmountable.
We may think of world war three.
The enemy is a no-state epidemic
And treaty is not possible
To end the ever-extending lockdown.
The virus may never go
Win impossible in near future
Need is to come in term.
Time and patience are defence
War does go with Peace .