Midnight Mystry

Tragedy Others


Midnight Mystry

Tragedy Others

Pain is like a Thief at Night...

Pain is like a Thief at Night...

1 min

Pain is like a thief at night

Ignorant mortals are deaf to hear its silent plight

It robs us of our emotions

Solace is tainted with commotion

Impeccable masks of smiles are worn on devastated faces

Emptiness is the only thing felt after winning several races

When all peace fades away

Despair is found instead of treacherous hope’s ray

Hearts are broken

Million things are said yet ache remains unspoken

Individual keeps drowning into infinite darkness deeper and deeper

Only escape seems to be the grim reaper!

Grief is like a limitless ocean

Alluring, suffocating and filled with depression

Pervaded with dangerous predators like anxiety, worthlessness a

nd guilt

The fragile esteem and confidence shatters that can’t be rebuilt

Instead of a tear, a grin of desperation is born with false pride

In matter of moments a person could shatter and into the pit, slide

Help! Help! He keeps on screaming

Trying to figure out life’s meaning

Viability seems ruthless and vile

Trapped in this eternal turmoil

When the meaning of existence itself is lost

Expensive seems survival, overrated seems its cost

And when no answer to his being one can attain

The enchanting noose seems boon instead of disdain

When the burden, at last, becomes unbearable

A soul rests quietly in the meadow, living behind all his troubles…

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