Shourya Arora
I’ve found my light I’ve found my light
Terrorism has no nationality or religion Terrorism has no nationality or religion
For every woman's right, we'll shine our light. For every woman's right, we'll shine our light.
A heart is a dark prison with keys owned by the person inside whom it prevails. A heart is a dark prison with keys owned by the person inside whom it prevails.
Heaven is when you face those demons head-on while you are alive and live as whole Heaven is when you face those demons head-on while you are alive and live as who...
The experiment starts now? Don’t see why not. Let’s choose a title. The experiment starts now? Don’t see why not. Let’s choose a title.
We had a balanced life with work, play, studies and fun with life values, truthfulness & love and be... We had a balanced life with work, play, studies and fun with life values, truthf...
“Why did he do it?” The “it’ changes with context. “Why did he do it?” The “it’ changes with context.
That denied her happiness that night. That denied her happiness that night.
The pleasure seems to you is actually a pain... The pleasure seems to you is actually a pain...
Am I talking to another or to myself? Am I talking to another or to myself?
Listen to the innocent cries Listen to the innocent cries
Harvesting my thoughts and emotions Harvesting my thoughts and emotions
They spent more time with their family, They spent more time with their family,
They say - "One Who Forgives Is Divine ( Angel) They say - "One Who Forgives Is Divine ( Angel)
Muffle the tune of the ringing bell.... Muffle the tune of the ringing bell....
In the kingdom of tales, where legends dwell, There lived a prince, a tale to tell. In the kingdom of tales, where legends dwell, There lived a prince, a tale to...
I’m sorry, I apologise?” Probably not. There’s a battle coming. I’m sorry, I apologise?” Probably not. There’s a battle coming.
Once in a while spare a thought for me ! Once in a while spare a thought for me !
Technology facilitates vision Technology facilitates vision