Battle of the Draughts!
Battle of the Draughts!

This life is a Chess game.
And all the draughts play,
merely the Men and the Women...
One rides out the other for subsistence.
The warm-blooded Pawns defend their King!
Oblivious Languorous Draughts,
parade out tossing and turning...
Ruled out Pawn has no tributes;
For, blood is thinner than water!
Defending Pawns are meant only to sacrifice.
Pains aren't the maxims, to write down thoroughly...
After the fierce battle for self-subsistence,
Terminating faces of the Dignified King!
But, it's ruthlessly chained, blocked and
ruthlessly aimed and checkmated!
In order to win the petty game
Quoting, "Every dog has its day..."