Dheebika Ganesan

Abstract Inspirational Others


Dheebika Ganesan

Abstract Inspirational Others

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

3 mins

Sometimes, the curiosity in you amazes me

A curiosity that doesn't settle for anything less than informative

A curiosity yet a burning desire to know more

A curiosity with an intent of sharing it with your world

As sounds welcoming is that curious mind 

Perhaps not always welcoming though

Until curiosity fits the contract of knowledge

Till curiosity feeds the quest of deepening the knowledge

Unless curiosity is satisfied with the most appropriate answers

Unless curiosity propels your growth

Unless curiosity helps illuminate oneself

Until curiosity doesn't cross border lines

Until curiosity takes an objective stance

Curiosity always amazes me

Still, curious minds confuse a lot more

When it blurs that subjective line

When it takes that non-linear path

When it goes in the direction of the outliers

Curiosity becoming creepy at times

Curiosity peeping into other's window

Curiosity invading private spaces

Curiosity trying to read someone's mind

Curiosity attempting to elicit replies when I don't want to talk about it

Curiosity chasing clarity for that assumption about me

Curiosity constantly knocking our doors 

Just to know what's happening in my life

More specifically to know more specifics of my life

Certainly to know what, when, why and how of my life

Curiosity knocking my door

Just to know what is my age

Just to know what's my salary

Just to know why I am still not married

Just to know why I don't have kids

Just to know why we are not together

Just to know why I am not employed

Just to know when I am going to turn the aforementioned why's to actuality

Just to know how I am running my errands

Just to know how I am managing my finances

Just to know how I deal with my


Not sure, if you are fed enough for your curiosity

But, curiosity keeps knocking my door

The more I tell, the more it knocks

Probably to you, curiosity appeals to a general conversation

To me, that curiosity of yours occurs as an invasion

To me, your curiosity appears as a compulsion

Because your curiosity fails to see that quiver in my voice

Because your curiosity fails to witness that unwillingness to give personal information

Because your curiosity seeks my stories only to enlist points for your social discussion 

Because your curiosity takes no courage to step in and resolve for me

Because your curiosity takes no care of building a conversation, rather cares only for collecting information

Because your curiosity doesn't take no for my answer

Maybe your curiosity pretends that you don't hear my 'NO'

Or probably your curiosity doesn't acknowledge my 'NO'

Because your curiosity wants to knock on my door

Because your curiosity pretends things are universally casual for everyone

Because your curiosity awaits for some leads in my words

Maybe curiosity awaits my interpretation of your assumption

Finally respecting curious minds

But mostly respecting myself

Curiosity, it's really a high time 

Help yourself to stop that self-imposing behavior on the unwilling, 

Help yourself to loosen up on the most undeniable ones

Help yourself to look at the other side of the same coin

Help yourself to unravel your stories on a priority

Help yourself to learn the indirect and direct meaning of NO will always be NO

Help yourself to step back when I am not stepping forward to welcome you

Help yourself to stay away from me when I have zero inclination nearing you

Most of all, please don't knock on that door of mine

When I don't knock yours

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