Dreamy Pen

Drama Romance Classics


Dreamy Pen

Drama Romance Classics

Missing, Yearning, Hoping

Missing, Yearning, Hoping

2 mins

Do you still love me? Please come back,

These words whispered in the night, on this beaten track.

A heart filled with longing, a soul torn apart,

Yearning for the love we had, hoping for a fresh start.

The echoes of our laughter, once filled the air,

But now silence engulfs, leaving me in despair.

Do you still feel the same, as I do in my core?

Or has love faded away, left me yearning for more?

The nights are empty, without your embrace,

A void in my existence, a vacant space.

I reach out, but you're nowhere to be found,

Lost in the wilderness, I wander around.

Please come back, let's rewrite our story,

Unravel the knots that left us feeling sorry.

For love like ours, it's too precious to waste,

Let's rekindle the flame, let it rise with grace.

Do you still love me? I silently implore,

As I sift through memories, seeking something more.

The laughter, the tears, the moments we shared,

They linger in my heart, leaving me ensnared.

I search for answers in the depths of your eyes,

But they remain distant, hiding truth, wearin

g disguise.

Do you still love me, or is it just a fading ember?

Tell me, my love, I need to remember.

Come back to me, and let's rediscover,

The passion, the connection, like no other.

We can rebuild the bridges, mending what's torn,

For in your love, I've always been reborn.

Let's rewrite our destiny, with ink of forgiveness,

Embrace the flaws, let go of the bitterness.

For love can conquer, it can heal and restore,

If we're willing to fight, if we open the door.

Do you still love me? I ask once more,

Hoping against hope, that your heart will soar.

Please come back, my love, let's mend what's been broken,

Together we can find solace, a love unspoken.

But if your answer remains a painful silence,

I'll gather my strength, find resilience.

For I'll carry the love we had, forever within,

Even if the echoes of your love grow thin.

Do you still love me? Please come back,

Or set me free, release me from this track.

For in the depths of uncertainty, I'll find my way,

Knowing that love, even lost, still has a price to pay.

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