Neelam Tyagi



Neelam Tyagi


Line a Synonym of Life!

Line a Synonym of Life!

3 mins

Lost in my thoughts

I continued on the familiar road

Oblivious to my surroundings 

I followed the twists and turns

and reached my favourite spot. 

I sat down on the rock

and enjoyed the warmth of the morning sun. 

Suddenly the consciousness returned,

I noticed the serene beauty of my surroundings

and as always was overwhelmed by its simplicity.

Suddenly a bright colourful piece of paper caught my attention,

I was a little disturbed by the thought of the presence of a stranger

I felt if someone was trying to intrude into my private space.

I looked around to see but there was no one. 

Except for that piece of paper!

Hesitantly I picked it up.

I opened, curiously to see what lay in the crumpled sheet! 

To my surprise, there were just a few lines, 

Simple straight lines, intersecting, crossing or just running parallel!

I stared at the paper and tried to figure out

 the state of mind of the person who had drawn them?

I desperately wanted a clue

as I too was standing,

in the middle of the commotion created by these lines. 

I understand a line is a complete entity in itself

yet incomplete at the same time.


);">Don’t you think it is just like life?

Simple and straight

complete and beautiful

and in the flip of a second

it just topples over!

Did that happen for the good or the bad?

You, keep figuring that out!

A line also defines relations of all kinds.

The two parallels may symbolize harmony and accord

a perfect balance as they move in concord.

But the underlying reality is to meet

they have to travel till infinity.

Just like life, a line too

 has immense possibilities to create beautiful patterns,

but if you shift your focus these may just be shattered.

The intricate patterns are developed from a simple line

if you go by the book everything will stay aligned.

If not, these simplest of patterns will turn into biggest complexities! 

I took a deep breath,

stood up and shook my head

in an attempt to free myself of all the mixed-up mystifications.

I fondly looked at the crumpled paper for the last time

and thanked the anonymous artist umpteen

for sending my way this wisdom which is so divine! 

Solutions of all complexities lie in their simplicity!

It is just our perspective and our interpretation.

Beyond this nothing matters!

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