

3 mins

I crave more and more

And covet what’s not mine

And what is mine I guard

With many headed monsters

Each with my face

Both a cage and a guarding wall

No in or out privileges,

Those things in my domain

Shall not wander or ponder

Themselves anything but mine.

A special fate awaits

For those crossing my borders,

No obvious sign post

Mistaking my moat

For a trade canal

Is an easy sin to commit,

Oh the plans I have for you

Oh the plans I have for you

On a perfect summer day

You happily paddling by, I sit on the banks

Straw in my mouth

Pants rolled up from carefree splashing

Sun spilled on my skin

A well rested stranger to you.

You shout from your slow floating vessel

That you’d heard tell of my treasures

And wished only to gaze upon them

And partake in adoration.


transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">I give my neck a crack

And suddenly my voice

Carries enough salt

To make one seasick.

You should have shut

Lead shutters on your eyes

Block out my radioactive gaze,

Should have sewn shut your pockets

And sailed the long way around.

I rise and wonder

If you sense the danger nearing,

If you know you will be detritus

At the bottom of the river

When I am done with you.

My eyes should have been

The cautionary tale

You heeded from childhood

The thin ice you dare not tread

I shout out on my way

Simple helpful directions,

You begin to thank me

My hands now on your gunnels

Reaching for your lapel

My lips profess a friend

Yet my heart chants

‘Row row row your boat

Madly while you scream

Scarily scarily scarily scarily

I drown you in the stream.’

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