

3 mins

Half of fear is wonder

About the hand that holds the thunder

And hurls comets into our atmosphere

To remind us

We are but one battlefield

In a universe at war.

Is awe such a wretched thing?

Can’t mystification be the reward

For with questions so over our heads

Won’t the answers also be?

We have been let behind the veil

Between us and holiness

The curtain torn, the blood oath sworn

Yet we stand downwind from every fire

That we build out of desire

To be blinded by smoke.

They say it’s a miracle

A one in a billion chance

That by happenstance

The world started spinning

With a limp so every corner

Gets enough sunlight to thrive,

By coincidence

The planet is in the only place


It could survive the source

Of its own warmth.

An accident

That the closest star isn’t any closer

And ripens summer fruit

Instead of turning us to ash,

The oceans rise and fall

Full of themselves

But not enough to swallow us.

It’s such grand improbability

Immense odds stacked against

The outcome that we live in,

Any gambler would be thought foolish

To think this could occur,

And with a common belief in miracles

I’m still thought outrageous

To say I see a guiding hand

A silhouette behind the curtain.

Truly I say amidst such

A marvelous stage

Where we act out our story,

With all the props in the right place

And all of it impossible,

I am not the faithful one

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