Exam Fever
Exam Fever

The time has come
Most fearful for some
More taut for others
And torture for the mothers
Biting fingernails and pulling out hair
Bemoaning the not so fair
Quality of time, it’s slipping and sprinting
From our control, hinting
At a future seemingly distant
But coming closer and closer still, unhesitant
Weeks to days to hours to minutes
And lo! There it is
The bane and curse of every student
In law school, whose mere<
Wish it is to pave the path to their future
Hurriedly scanning, revising, re and re reading
That which is already crammed in a head
Towards thoughts of dread
But once you enter
It is three hours of helter skelter
Of the pen on paper
Gliding to finish
The race against time
And then it’s over
Peace and quiet move over
But suddenly strikes the thought
Oh no!
There’s still two more to go!