Daughter Writes To Her Mother
Daughter Writes To Her Mother

Mom, I thank you for bringing me to this world
Nurturing me within your body, with your flesh and blood.
My upbringing started with a note, pretty jolly, pretty good
And I enjoyed every aspect of my innocent childhood.
As I entered my teens, a charming phase, life’s prime stage
Restrictions started falling, and on every step, a meter gauge.
Instructions like, have limited friends, with boys no moves
No for parties, no for outings, plenty of don’t’s and do’s.
Wear this, don’t wear that, take care of how to dress
Don’t do this, don’t do that, always you were in stress.
I knew you were always worried about my security
But trust me, I was well aware, within my heart was purity.
With all this when I crossed my teens, entered a college
Restrictions multiplied, crossing mileage after mileage.
To become financially independent, I applied, everywhere
I also wanted to study onward, to pursue a better carrier.
But for you, my marriage became the top priority
As you wanted a liberty from your responsibility.
I had a dream to grow in life, like I had seen many others
To taste the life, to touch the sky with flying colours.
Mom, you were always insecure about me being a female
You would say,” society is changing, but dominating is still, a male”.
Your restrictions on outfits, parties, on job was not offbeat
Considering the cruelty, the crimes and humanity taking a backseat.
But it is neither the dress, nor the parties, nor independence
That makes the rapes to happen or burn the brides.
The traditionally dressed, the home-makers, with less sophisticacy
They too are molested, raped, burnt, whom to blame for this miscreancy.
Marriage is no solution to evade these misfortunes
As for culprits, age, status hardly carries any preferences.
They don’t spare the old, middle aged, the minors
Venom is there in their thoughts, you can’t believe even fathers.
You said” I should marry, settle down and look after the kids”
And you made a decision, made me to leave my
college amids.
As per your instructions, I served the new family with whole heart
Still Mom, there was no compassion for me, I began to fall apart.
With all investigations, the man whom you chose as my life partner
And whom you had quoted would be my shield, my armour;
He betrayed us, as he has another female in life
Who stays nearby and claims to be his first wife.
His family is much aware of all his wrong doings
I am left alone, my life hangs on thorny swings.
At this hour, I am completely perplexed, weak morally
Unable to free myself from this caged life, typically.
Ah! I wish I had completed my education, pursued a career
I would stand on my own, and cross this false barrier.
I can not return back to you, that is the society’s evil norm
But neither can I live a sultering life, seeing them, plotting a harm.
I am taking a step which may look harsh to all of you
But without any credentials, support, nothing else, I am able to do.
To be a burden on you would not be advisable, nor any solution
I am saying goodbye to life, people may take it as my weaker action.
But before I go, I handover you the responsibility of my girl child
Do take care of her, as raising her would not be a task mild.
Make her strong and build her core with confidence and values
Let her educate herself well, build her character with virtues.
Mom, being non-inviting, docile,gentle does not make females safe
Education, ability, confidence, strength is what females need to chase.
The times are changing, weaker sex is getting empowered
Encountering the challenges, change is there in female world.
Good education, financial independence, a better career
Makes a female safe, respected and even lessen her fear.
Mom, you have now a new task, the second generation to raise
Change your outlook, be confident and strong, your nurturing the world will praise.
Don’t cry for me, give a different batton to my daughter to gleam
I will feel happy in the other world, in her make true, my dream.