Kaartika Chitturi



Kaartika Chitturi


Don't Sing In The Shower

Don't Sing In The Shower

1 min

As you belt out notes of a melody, and your voice comes alive,

You mute the pleas of parched throats hoping to survive.


And when you move as though you’re dancing in the rain,

You restrict a child’s desire to play in the rain again.


As you spend extra minutes in the comfort of hot water,

You pull families into the discomfort of not being able to have a shower.


When you ignore the water splattering and crying in pain,

You ignore the struggles many face to gain those droplets in vain.


And as you keep performing, turning a blind eye to the clock ticking,

You are oblivious to how much water and time you are wasting.


Don’t sing in the shower; don’t let your talent go unseen.

Don’t let the water flow down the drain, so unnecessarily.

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