Lady Leaders
Lady Leaders
O men!
You have been ruling the world
For long
Ruining it more
Showed your strength
Used power at length
For all the wrong reasons.
O men! Sorry
If it sounds unfair
But ladies didn’t have the right to vote
As late as twentieth century
To say the least
Their education is still at the mercy
Of muscular men
Some decades ago
You’d burn them alive, like beasts
Let them die and go
With their dead husbands
O men! O dear!
You scratched the world into piece
Like a scrapbook delinquents would tear
But now no more
You cannot keep the so-called
Weaker gender
In the confines of your home
So tender
To build your family
And always surrender to her master?
Let women rule the world now
You will see how,
More than ruling they will serve,
Care for the world to be a better place;
It will get back its grace.
Let men step back
For the world to be moving
Without a trace of hatred and fear
Under the guidance of lady leaders.