Diary of a Septuagenarian
Diary of a Septuagenarian
I am a dignified Septuagenarian, not a bit apologetic for my age,
It is an accomplishment you know to have reached this stage!
I am not at all decrepit, disoriented or a doddering dud,
I am vivacious, I am animated, with no activity debarred.
Is it considered a misdemeanor or some idiosyncrasy
Beyond the limits of social, civilized norms of decency,
Whilst conversing, if a furtive snooze I quickly take?
At ten in the night, it is an ordeal to keep awake!
“It’s wonderful to have met you,” greets effusively a passer-by,
Embarrassed, I’m speechless, for my memory is rusted and dry.
But nonchalantly I smile and with a confident air I promptly reply
“Same here, happy meeting you,” covering up instantly with a lie.
Why do I avoid the stairs and rather opt for the lift?!
Walk or climb I can sprightly which is a God-given gift,
But hush! I feel a trespassing pain going up my spine—
I try my best to shrug it off- I pre
tend that I am fine.
The food looks so scrumptious; I eye the mutton steak,
But what of the tooth which occasionally did shake?!
I have to look the other way, and select a softer fare,
But life is still splendid, and can be without a care!
My friend called me up to inform that George was dead,
I, hard of hearing, unfortunately, heard ‘ John’ instead,
There was a deluge of tears for the dead and gone,
Till John materialized at the door—with no harm done!
I am myopic, blurry-eyed, and have a sneaking cataract,
It does not worry me, and never has, and that is a fact.
With a show of bravado, I had caught a mid-night thief,
Alas, that was my son-in-law—that’s how I came to grief!
I am happy for the years that have successfully gone by.
But being apprehensive for the future, I positively must try
To make the best of my life, maybe not cent percent right.
We are sure to succeed if we can put up a resolute fight.