sharanya r

Drama Tragedy Others


sharanya r

Drama Tragedy Others

Delete the History

Delete the History

1 min

When the tables turn,

When the time plays the wrong tunes,

When the exigent situation begins to grow unstable,

You know something, a secret, which evokes the wrath of dooms

An untold fable from the past,

Can disrupt the present life of beaming lavishness

The truth, when unveiled, brings about a big blast,

So get ready,for a life filled with glaring darkness ..

By a mistake done long back,

Why suffer so,now, after the atonement done,

An option lays before, a tawdry one, to prevent a deadly attack

'delete your history', and see if you find some contentment .

A few days of triumph, a few days of joy

After this, a few days of repention, and a few of sorrow

A few days of question - 'was I right?' and a few days of cry,

All these make up life, right from the birth to burrow .

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