Boisterous and beautiful and clad with trendy clothes
I picked up the most conservatives of them all
A clothesline that stands tall.
All covered up and no peep of the skin and satisfied.
Others loathed as I watched around the environment
With my observations and real pretensions and gateways of the mind.
Like someone is watching from above, side and inside.
To please them I did not want nor hear.
Talking about something to make others jealous.
Wanting to shout at people from inside and debate
Fathomless universe which had betrayed.
But there were the same people and same place
The same smartphones and indications taught
I wandered forth throughout but the traffic lights.
So cool but so hot together but time
Did my job and finished my duty and errands
Came back the thoughts of temptations and extreme pleasure
Watched television aftermath and enjoyed.
Got satisfaction and the rewards for going outside.
Catch the change and feel around
Others are not strangers to being alone.
So be in love with life and strange thoughts
There is long term appreciation of beauty.
Good People. Good Life.
Maybe a successful search on Google
About empty pockets and refusals
Simply great and more brilliant
Crows on the clothesline.