
I hesitate
Just a little break in my step
A hiccup in my tread
It shows in my eyes
The sliver of indecision
The tremble in my voice
The hitch in my breath
My shifty eyes
Slumping shoulders touch my ears
And my shuffling steps
I want to say what I feel out loud
Scream and let it all out
Convey everything in steady, clear words
Not shake myself or anyone else
Be strong in voice and will
Show the world that I’m nothing to be trifled with
Be a force of nature to be reckoned with
For once, I want to be unstoppable
My words too be taken seriously
Face no opposition constantly
Let things go over smoothly for me
Let plans not cancel
Let hopes not crush
Let dreams be achieved
And my worries cleared
I want to fret about little things no more
Won’t care what the others think no more
I will scare easily no more
old my head up and push my shoulders back from now on
Let’s see if I have the strength to do this
Let this be a test I set for myself
We’ll see if I pass with flying colors
I’ll take two steps forward and no steps backward
If the sky is the limit
I really want to see it
Touch it, feel it, float above and clear it
Help myself reach my potential
I won’t stop myself any more
Only push forward against my walls
Keep it up, don’t fall prey to the lazy voice
Get up, keep up and do what I came here to do
Prove my mettle
Won’t settle
Here’s the chance to be truly happy from now on for once and for all
Achieve my dreams
Live the fairytale I’ve been yearning for
Find my bliss in my future
And for that I work from now
I’ll be happy years from now
Won’t take that from myself
You’ll see, I won’t let you down
I’ll be happy.