Atisha Mohapatra



Atisha Mohapatra


Broken Yet Beautiful

Broken Yet Beautiful

2 mins

The earthy aroma of the soil

Invaded in with the rain

And went away with it

It reminded me of

Your pleasing hello


My dreadful goodbye

Well, it was weird

See As like the rain

I too went away once

Moved away too far like inaccessible...

You surmise

You still think it was facile for me right?

Well, let not my heart

Expel out that outrageous time

And intolerable pain to you!

But u know..

I found a chunk of poetry 

which I once inked after the separation

It read...

"Once I feared the gloom

But I have noticed my years switching into it

Once I feared isolation

But I have seen my days sitting in its lap

Once I feared memories 

But I have felt my hours endlessly recalling them

Once I feared detachments

But I have seen my each minute intertwining with it

Once I feared solecism

But I have felt my each second bearing its prick

Once I feared distance

But I have sensed my every millisecond persisting through it


I have seen the massif strolling to collapse me down and deep

The fire of the past still smoldering my raw flesh

The clinkers of present suffocating my breath to gi

ve up

Like the minute slits of curtains filled with filth 

The wind breaking up and could not invade in

The claws of future wrenching my limbs to quaff the ropy blood of the deep scars

The placid ocean became turbulent

The heart defrosted but by the slow blaze of pain

The tree seemed bald even in the season of rain

Seconds felt swallowing years and years altogether

Night seemed darker 

The moon dazzled so richly that eventually, it bruised my eyes

And the soul?

It became emptier and emptier day by day

The lapse of homecoming seemed scared and hopeless


Coz' it might again become a crucial flaw by me...


Coz' who knows if tomorrow...

Ashes will explicate life "meaningless"


Leave it!

You won't perceive

And yes I still repeat my last line scribbled

"I said hello with a true jovial heart

But goodbye with a heavy one!"


I even don't know


And now I arouse smiling 

Each morning brings a bed of roses for me

My every split always stays shining


Come on! I know

You still assume that

"The goodbye didn't matter to me..."

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