Rape - The Cage Of Agony
Rape - The Cage Of Agony

Her dwindled soul quietly stood by....
She was left to dead lying helpless...
She was immure...
Surrounded by the brutals...
Where torture...
Was a promise...
Her soul...
Was shattering out in tears...
As the pace came closer towards her...
She withered in the ocean of fear....
She yelled aloud...
But her voice was ceased between the walls....
No leaves could even listen to her....
No gusts of wind could get in...
The gloom was swallowing her deep....
But she was confined...
Trapped in the fear of losing her life....
Trapped in the fear of encountering her future....
No one could extricate her sinking life....
No one could harken her painful scream...<
Her self respect was smeared in the dyes of shame....
Her naked body was thrown to the shore of pain...
Her bleeding scars made her breathless....
Each beat of her heart became fragile...
Her sensitive breath was slowly withdrawing....
She tightly closed her fist in agony....
The moments of past made her shiver...
She clutched her eyes in a hope to survive....
But her blooming life shriveled forever....Then.... She didn't see the daybreak anymore....
Her smile was lost in some farthest land...
Her body was no more left to get enfolded with an outfit...
Her tears were soaked up in the running sand.....
Readers shall we not understand this pain and make it vanish to some farthest sphere???