Boy In The Ballads
Boy In The Ballads

Delving into the obsolete,
I espied a book
With aroma of dust;
Alluringly entitled as life.
Folios that followed
By myriad mingled ballads,
Whispered into my ears;
A tale of a boy.
Dreamer as a juvenile,
With imaginations engulfed
In hollows of his mind.
His visions never fade
Amidst mob of mediocrity.
His heart is pristine,
As pure as driven snow;
For he’s an epitome
Of immense love and care.
His responsibilities?
More than dependability,
It’s lauding promise
Like in a wedding ring.
Concealed beneath decency,
Is a wise man
With enchanting mind;
That’s savvy and intuitive.
He’s an ideal being,
An epic legend,
Disguised as human.
For I know a mystery,
The boy in the ballads-
None other than ‘ My Man’.