Black Spot
Black Spot

The day my son was born I became a new me
For I fought against the age-old myth
Of applying the black spot on my son’s face.
That day I vowed to raise a gentleman
Devoid of blind faith and irrational obsessions
Who’d become an epitome of humanity!
I shiver at the rampant crimes against women
I abhor the slow maze of our judiciary
I detest how the culprits are set free
I wonder for how long this can continue
For how long the lady will remain blindfolded
That too, to women-related crimes!
Then, I eschew this
blame game and fear.
How many men grow up in a volatile environment!
How many suffocate under their families’ pressures!
How our society preserves distorted visions!
Adding fuel to the fire is our failing education
Upholding this narrow-mindedness and apathy!
So, I’ve decided to take upon myself
To raise my boy into a sensitive human being
Who can guide at least one lost sheep to home,
Be blind to biases, bitterness and coldness
But can raise his voice against injustice,
Like the sun, gentle and ferocious within his frame!