The Fight
The Fight

She used to be as radiant
As the sun
With happiness bubbling out of her
She used to run
She was the epitome of liveliness
As carefree as one can be
But life played a crucial game with her
And she no longer was free
Her family broke her wings
With which she used to fly
Bestowing her with responsibilities
Which were enough to make her cry
Do this, don’t that
Wear this, talk that
She was trapped in a cage
Seconds by seconds
Drowning in her own rage.
She protested, she questioned
Why me?
Why I have to suffer?
“A girl”, his father replied
“You are a girl you duffer!”
The knife of the words
Stabbed the girl right in her heart
“All this because, I am just
A girl?” she asked.
She was broken, she was sad
All the restrictions were driving her mad
Her family said to her,
“This is what your destiny holds,
To be in your limits,
Which you can try but not
But the girl made her decision
Decided the path that she will take
That she will not bow down
She will fight for her sake.
She was laughed at,
She was squeezed
In between the actual truth
And the one which the society believes.
But she fought, she protested
For her life she requested
She broke down all the walls
She needed help, but
Everyone ignored her calls.
But in the end she got
What she deserved
The freedom which has
Been kept preserved.
Thought she lost a lot
In the time that went away
She was no longer the girl
She used to be in the summer of May.
But she was proud of the girl
She has become in the journey
The one who can stand up for herself
The one who doesn’t need gurney.
She stands in the open
As the wind brushes her hairs
With a small smile playing on her lips
She welcomed her new life
With a dare.